
21st April 2021, was a red lettered day in the lives of 9 Novices at Rosa Mystica Novitiate, Kinnikambla, eagerly awaiting to make their self-offering to the God of their vocation.Their long-cherished dream to offertheir entire lives to the Lord, to be his forever became a reality. Joyfully and generously they stepped forward to pronounce their faith filled ‘Yes’ to the Lord. During the solemn Eucharistic Celebration officiated by Rev Fr Melwyn Paul D’SouzaOFM Cap,the Episcopal Vicarfor religious of the Diocese of Mangalore, concelebratedwith Fr Reginald D’Mello OP, Fr Barnabas Monis OCD and Fr Teji Thomas MI. Sr Cecilia Mendonca and Sr Sally the Provincial Superiors of Mangalore and Western Provinces received their vows in the presence of the Provincial Councillors, Sr Juliana Monis Superior of Rosa Mystica, sisters of the community, tertians, affiliates anda few of their family members.




The Novices had been preparingin an ongoing manner forthis great day of their life during the earlier stages of their formation and especially two years of intensive novitiate formation under the direction of their novice directress Sr Shalet D’Souza and her assistants Sr Preethi Prathima and Sr Dhanya George. Regular prayer and reflection on the Word of God, study of charism and spirituality of ourCongregation, the entire formation programme with due attention to their human, spiritual and intellectual formation,experience of community life and pastoral experience, enablingthemto discern their call to Bethany.

Rev Fr Melwyn Paul in his homily invitedthe novices to be professed, to bloom like Little Flowers after the example of their patroness, St Therese of the ChildJesus. ‘I am here’ and ‘I am so resolved’ were the two watchwords he placed before them. The Eucharistic celebration followed by singing of Magnificat in front of the grotto of our Lady of Lourdes was followed by felicitation programme.The newly professed were introduced by Sr Juliet Shanthi and Sr Anitha Tressy, greetedwith flowers and words of appreciation along with their parentsby their Provincial Superiors. They werereminded to be like a sanctuary lamp ever burning with love and zeal for their Beloved, in the words of our revered Founder Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas.Their hearts overwhelmed with joy to be a part of Bethany family, to be privileged to share in the vision and mission of our revered Founder Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas.

Sincere gratitude was expressed to Sr Rose Celine the Superior General, the General Councilors and Procurator General for being their inspiration and support all through their formation, providing ampleopportunities to be formed unto the image and likeness of Christ.Sr Juliana Monis and the community sisters were thanked for their presence, prayers and blessings. Sr Shanthi Preethi, was the commentator for the ceremonyof professionand Sr Dhanya Georgecompered thefelicitation programme.Trusting in the goodness and mercy of God they looked forward to love and serve Him joyfullyin his people as full-pledged members of Bethany family.

News by: Sr Shalet D’Souza BS, Novice Directress,Rosa Mystica Novitiate

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