
21st March 2021

Webinar on the theme of the XVII General Chapter‘Rooted in Christ to Build Eucharistic Communities and Human Fraternity’ by Sr Lillis, the Assistant Superior General and Sr Shanthi Priya the General Councillor addressed to the 66 sisters of Delegation Abroad was a gracefilled event indeed.

Thanks to the farsightedness of Sr Rose Celine, the Superior General who planned to bring together through digital media sisters who are on a mission in various parts of Europe and Africa. This was intended to set the tone for the forthcoming General Chapter.

Advanced modern technology enabled the 66 sisters from eight countries in two Continents to tune themselves at 2.30 pm European time,for a duration of two hours, to listen intently to the two resource persons, who were well informed andin turn acquaintedthe audience with the theme of the General Chapter.



Sr Carmella, the Delegation Superior of the Delegation Abroadhad scheduled the zoom conferencein advance along with her team. The sisters in Italy, Vatican, Germany, France, Mauritania and Senegal were the beneficiaries of the golden opportunity. Sr Lillis elaborated on the aspect of Rootedness in Christ and building Eucharistic Communities while Sr Shanthi Priya enlightened the members on Human Fraternity.

At the end of the webinar sisters expressed their joy and gratitude to all who made it possible for them to deepen their understanding of the theme and to widen their horizon. The knowledge and experiencegained has created in them, the desire to make this theme a reality in their day today life, and to become vibrant and enthustiastic in living the spirit of the theme by being agents of change in the world of today.

News By: Sr Ignatia D’Souza BS, Superior, Saint-Louis, Senegal

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