
April 24, 2024 the joyful day of Perpetual Profession of Sr Dapni and Sr Josephine. It marked the exciting event of unveiling the first issue of ‘SOUTHERN VOICE’ the newsletter of Southern Province.

Msgr Jenson Puthenveettil unfolded the newsletter and handed over the first copy to Rev Sr Shanthi Priya, the Assistant Superior General in the presence of all those were present on the happy occasion.

Sr Judy Varghese, the Provincial Superior applauded the hard work and creativity of Sr Brigilia Lawrence the Chief Editor, Sr Sujaya the Provincial Councillor and Sr Divya George the Associate Member. They worked hand in hand, to realise this long cherished dream of the Province. The maiden issue of the newsletter is truly colourfuland resourceful. Hats off to the Editorial Board!

News by: Sr Judy Varghese BS, Provincial Superior, Chevayur

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