
In a world often characterized by distraction and uncertainty, there exists a silent, profound calling that echoes through the hearts of those chosen to serve. It is a calling to be the living flames of Christ, to embody His love, compassion, and selflessness in a world yearning for hope and healing. This calling is illuminated and honored as 19 young women of Bethany Congregation made their Temporary Profession on 22 April 2024at Bethany Novitiate, Barasat.
The hearts of all those who witnessed this sacred celebration were filled with anticipation and reverenceas the solemn procession of 19 young maiden madeits way to the altar. As the liturgy unfolded, the atmosphere was charged with emotions- a blend of solemnity, joy, and anticipation. The young women, dressed in their religious garments, accompanied by their parents, Novice directress Sr. Jhansi, and the respective Provincials, namely Sr. Benedicta Arahna of Guwahati Province, Sr.Erasma of Northern Province, Sr.LuciousofSilcahr Province and Sr. Jessy Maria of Eastern Province, and Most Rev. Arch Bishop Thomas D’Souza along with 17 concelebrants, radiated a sense of serenity and purpose as they moved forward in procession singing Bethany Anthem. Most. Rev. Archbishop Thomas D’Souza, the main celebrant, officiated the Holy Eucharist which was concelebrated by fellow priests. In His homily, Most. Rev. Bishop motivatedthem tooffer their lives to Christ and His Church through the sacred vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience, keeping Mary our first patroness, St. Therese of child Jesus our second patroness, and Bethany Saints as their model to start their holy journey of religious life.

After the homily, a profound silence descended upon the assembly as each novice stepped forward to profess her vows. Trusting in the Divine providence and mercy, they offered themselves entirely to God and the church. The commitment of these young novices was consecrated in the presence of God and His faithful.Sr. Benedicta, the Provincial Superior of Guwahati Province, handed over the book of Constitutions and the Cross to each of the novices, calling them to imitate Christ in their daily lives by faithfully adhering to the Gospel values and Bethany way of living.
The felicitation ceremony followed the Holy Eucharist. It was witnessed by parents, priests, religious, loved ones, and well-wishers alike. The presence of the Provincial Superiors Sr. Benedicta Aranha, Sr.Erasma, Sr.Lucious, and Sr. Jessy Maria, along with their CouncillorsSrs. Surekha, Mabel, and Margarita added joy to the celebration. They were encouraged by the Provincial Superior Sr. Jessy Maria, to bethe flames of Christ’s love and continue to burn brightly, illuminating the path for all who seek solace, salvation, and eternal life. She also thanked the parents of the newly professed and invited them to support their daughters through their prayers.
As the ceremony drew to its culmination, hearts were uplifted, spirits were renewed, and souls were fortified by the grace of God.Sr.Mohima Das and Sr.Partima, on behalf of all the newly consecrated brides of Christ,expressed their gratitude to God, the congregation, theSuperior General Sr. Rose Celine and her team, all the Provincials and their teams, and the formatorsfor nurturing their vocation through constant support and prayers in their journey of formation and transformation. Sr Alveena Clare the assistant Novice Directress compeered the programme. The celebration ended with a fellowship meal shared by all.

News by: Sr Alveena Clare BS, Asst. Novice Directress, Barasat

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