

Bethany Mangaluru 25 April 2019: The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany Mangalore had their perpetual celebration on 25th April 2019 at St Joseph the Worker Church Vamanjoor.

15 Sisters after an intense preparation of one year, offered themselves to the Lord. Rt Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha the Bishop of Mangalore, officiated them at the Eucharist along with 21 priests.

Rev Sr Rose Celine BS, the Superior General of the Congregation accepted the vows of the Sisters in the name of the Church. The Bethany Congregation and the Catholic community congratulated them for their choice and faithfulness to the Lord. The congregation is blessed with 32 Tertians this year who serve in various provinces of the Congregation in India. Their perpetual profession celebrations are held in their respective province.

We congratulate their faith filled surrender to love God and his people. During the felicitation programme the Superior General thanked their parents for their gift to Bethany. Indeed it was a grace filled occasion to witness the commitment of these Sisters in the service of the Church through Bethany.

Sr M. Cicilia Mendonca BS
Provincial Superior
Mangalore Province.

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