

Bethany mangalore 4 March 2019: The 119th Ordination Anniversary of the Servant of God Msgr RFC Mascarenhas, Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, was celebrated on 4th March 2019 in Bethany Mother House, Bendur, Mangalore.

After the Eucharistic celebration Sr Lillis the Assistant Superior General and the Postulator for the Cause of beatification of the Servant of God gave her message to the gathered assembly highlighting the greatness of the priesthood as the Servant of God understood in his life and his contribution as a priest to the poor and the marginalized in the parishes he served.

It was followed by the unveiling of the portrait of the Servant of God made in terracotta art, displayed in the spirituality park of Bethany by Sr Roshmitha BS, the youngest member of the Congregation. Thereafter, the sisters strew flower petals to the portrait in honour and respect to the Servant of God amidst singing in praise of his service to humanity.

Sr Hilarita BS
Bethany Mother House

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