

Bendur, Mangalore 2 January 2019: Sr Surekha BS of North East Province successfully defended her Doctoral Thesis on the topic “Presence-Solidarity: A Paradigm for a Kenotic Mission: The Significance of Jesus Christ for India today in the Writings of Samuel Rayan and Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza” under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Mohan Doss SVD at Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth (JDV), Pune on 17 December.

The external reader of the Doctoral Dissertation was Dr Sr. Shalini Mulackal PBVM and the internal reader was Prof. Dr Thomas Kuriakose SJ and Prof. Dr Francis Gonsalves SJ was the chairperson of the session. The session lasted for two hours, in which the doctoral candidate was questioned by readers, guide of the thesis and audience present. Sr Surekha is the first sisterof North-East province tocomplete her doctorate in Theology.

Sr Joy Monteiro BS the Provincial Superior of NE Province, Sr Edleburgh BS her coucillors, Sr Cleopha BS the Generalate representation, Bethany sisters from Mangalore and Panvel, several Professors, Post graduates as well as graduates students, priests sisters and brothers, friends and well-wisherswitnessed the defense.After the program Sr Surekha was felicitated with bouquet, shawl and flowers by the Provincial Superior and all who were present for the program. Currently Sr Surekha is appointed to JDV Faculty as Lecturer in the 'Pastoral Management Program' for two years from 1st June, 2018.

The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany Mangalore wishes Dr Sr Surekha BS. May her studies become a source of empowering grace in Mission.

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