

The period of Pre-Novitiate is a gradual transition from lay life to the life proper to the Novitiate. It is a time, in which the Institute and the candidate begin to learn to know each other (Const. 76)

Goal: A Pre-Novice confirms her desire to be a true follower of Jesus acquaints herself with the life and mission of the Congregation and prepares herself for the Novitiate formation


  1. To know and love Jesus through prayer and to acquire right motivation to follow Him.
  2. To grow in the Christian faith and Gospel values and to situate her call in the history of Salvation today
  3. To learn to live Bethany way of community life.
  4. To learn the essentials of Institute’s Charism and Spirituality; the Institute learns the candidate and assesses her suitability to the Institute
  5. To experience the mission of Christ in the Church according to the Institute’s Charism and to grow in compassionate love
  6. To acquire skills for effectiveness in mission
  7. Community Experience: gets to know the community and the apostolic life of Bethany Sisters












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