

Sr M Ida Janet BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Teaching catechism

Shubhada Short Stay Home - Inmates


April 5th 2005 was a great day in the life of Shubhada, when a long cherished dream of the Bethany sisters was realised as a new community was erected under the patronage of St Joseph.

Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D Souza, Bishop of Mangalore blessed the sisters’ residence, the cross in the chapel and the Tabernacle during the Eucharistic celebration. He addressed the gathering in the homily with the following words, ‘Shubhada receives women and young girls to live here and learn values of family life and to have direction in life’. In the year 2008 in September 2.28 acres of land was gifted to   the Congregation by   Mrs Theresa Pais, mother of   Dr Christopher Pais from Mallikatte, the donor of the Shubhada Trust Land. It has been registered in the name of the Congregation and all the documents are received by us.
A brief history of Shubhada Society

Shubhada Trust was registered in 1978. It was founded by a group of Christian women Philanthropists of Mangalore, namely, Ms Celine Aranha, Ms Olinda Pereira and Ms Sylvia Saldana. Its developmental story is intermingled with the lives of these committed women and many others who are entrusted with the marginalised sections of the society. Shubhada Society was registered in 1986 to respond to the specific needs of women especially the women in distress.
This institution aims at caring for women who are in situation of crisis and suffer from violence in the family and society. They are given shelter, counselling and legal assistance for reconciliation with the family. Shubhada also helps to rehabilitate some of them to give them a better future.

In spite of the various challenges that Shubhada project faces in terms of personnel and financial sustainability, Bethany is enriched by networking with lay collaborators. At present the Shubhada Society consists of the members of the Congregation as well as lay people. Shubhada networks with NGOs, such as, Kripa Foundation, Deeds, Family Counselling Centre, Roshni  Nilaya, Sahodaya, Jeevandhara, White Doves, Help line and CODP.

Besides giving their services to women in distress, the sisters are also involved in pastoral activities, such as, being in charge of the girls’ sodality, teaching Sunday Catechism, attending meetings of Catholic Sabha, Parish Council, Deanery meetings and Small Christian Community Meetings in various wards of the parish. Sisters get involved in all other parish activities and readily avail themselves whenever their services are required.

The list of Superiors who served the community;
Sr Juliana Monis BS – 2005 - 2007
Sr Concetta BS – 2007 - 2013
Sr Ida Janet BS – 2013 -

The present Superior: Sr Ida Janet BS

Year of establishment: 05.04.2005



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