Sr Lolia Juliana BS

Members of the Community

Inauguration of BIRD mission

Health ministry

Training of ''KIDS FOR CHRIST''

Workshop on Social awareness and Leadership

Counselling Course

Awareness programme on Drug Abuse and Early Marriage

Disaster Management Mock Drill

Livelihood Programme
Bethany Convent, Umsning, was established on March 4, 2017 with Sr Lolia Juliana as the Superior and Sr Clara Mendonca and Sr Mary Grace Bhengra as the members. It is in Ri Bhoi district of Meghalaya State. The community came into existence for the sole purpose of reaching out to the youth and adults of North East India, for the promotion of human resource through Bethany Institute of Resource Development (BIRD). March 4, 2017 was indeed memorable day as the long planed project of the province was materialized with the Inauguration of BIRD by Sr Rose Celine, the Superior General, in the company with Sr Joy, the Provincial Superior.
BIRD, the community’s mission, visualizes the holistic development of the people of North East through the process of enabling the youth, women and adults of the region through capacity building at different levels.
The apostolate includes the following programmes-
• Capacity building workshops
• Faith formation and Pastoral care
• Career guidance & Life skills
• Human rights training
• Leadership Training
• Holistic health & Counselling services
• Skill training programmes
Programmes held during the period April 2017-October 2017
a) Leadership trainings:
1 day workshops for the youth of Umsning area of the age group 15-25 years including married persons. There were total 4 workshops and a total 110 youth participated. It was on the topic ‘Social concerns and leadership’ with Sr Clara as resource person. Human rights and Human trafficking were the main issues discussed.
b) Faith formation:
1 day faith formation programme was hosted for ‘Kids for Christ’ of Lumumpih village. 80 children participated.
c) Counselling skills:
Training in counselling skills for Bethany Headmistresses and Principals on 18-23 July 2017. A total 23 sisters participated where Dr (Fr) Philip Thomas msfs from Guwahati was the resource person.
d) Awareness programmes:
Awareness programme on Drug Abuse and Early Marriage for about 80 youth of Umsning on 23rd September 2017, organised by youth of Umsning parish with Dr C. Lyngdoh, MLA and Minister of Meghalaya as the resource person.
e) Public awareness:
On the 13th of October there was a Disaster Management Mock-drill for the people of Umsning CD Block organised by the particular department of the District Commissioner’s office, Nongpoh District, Meghalaya State. A large number of people benefitted from the demonstration.
f) Livelihood programme:
The first livelihood training has started from 9th October, with 16 trainees undergoing 3 months course in Dress Making.
g) Health care:
Sr Lolia Juliana treats the patients of the locality for minor ailments; also with the practice of Su-jok and home herbal medicines.
Plan ahead for the immediate 1 year:
I. To begin the residential trainings based on the objectives from Early 2018.
II. Training in Herbal medicines in February 2018.
III. 10 schools/colleges of the area will be given awareness programme on how to combat human trafficking and child labour from November 2017.
IV. 4 each Leadership trainings for different groups of women and men of Umsning area to begin in December 2017.