The day began with the Eucharistic celebration by Rev Fr Ravi Kota the Parish Priest of St. Joseph’s Church, Faridabad.Sr Clare Toppo the Province Vocation Promotion Coordinator for Northern Province led the opening prayer. Thereafter Sr Mariette the General Coordinator for Formation addressed the participants on behalf of Sr Santhosh Maria, the General Coordinator for Vocation Promotion who could not be present for the same. At the outset, Sr Mariette welcomed all the participants inclusive of the Provincial Superiors from four Provinces namely, Northern, Eastern, Guwahati and Silchar, Province Coordinators for Formation and Vocation Promotion of the above mentioned Provinces, the local Vocation Promoters and honoured them with a shawl and a sapling.
In her address Sr Mariette said, “Vocation is a grace and a gift, a gift that God wants us to share and not to keep it for ourselves”. Quoting Pope Francis who spoke on the 60th anniversary of Vatican II Council, she said “This day is a precious opportunity for recalling with wonder that the Lord’s call is a grace, a complete gift, and at the same time a commitment to bring the gospel to others.” She concluded her reflections with a prayer prayed by St Paul VI on the occasion of the first world day of prayer for vocations.
Thereafter the resource person of the day Rev Fr Joseph Kurapatti SJ spoke on ‘Integrating Formation and Vocation Animation. At the outset, he shared his own vocation story and then motivated the participants to share theirs which were very inspiring, bearing positive impact on the group. He then presented different methods of promoting vocations to religious life and advised the group not to lose hope when expected results are not experienced. Recalling the Biblical call narratives, he asked the vocation promoters to journey with the would-be candidates in order to know them personally. He also advised us to be in touch with their families and the parishes where they belong and in turn, to make them vocation promoters for the Congregation. He also encouraged us to see in every girl a potential Bethany sister. The sessions were very interesting and enlightening.
All the members actively participated in the sessions and clarified their doubts too. Having spent the whole day in discussions and sharing, the participants drew up a concrete action plan to be implemented during the year.
We are grateful to Sr Rose Celine our Superior General and Sr Santhosh Maria the General Coordinator for Vocation Promotion for their guidance throughout the year and for Sr Mariette the General Coordinator for Formation for conducting this unique Meet of Vocation Promoters cum Formators of four North Indian Provinces. Grateful thanks to Sr Erasma the Provincial Superior, Sr Savitha Flavia the Superior and all the sisters of the community at Pakhal, Faridabad for making our stay comfortable and relaxed.
News by: Sr Renuka BS and Sr Ammy Martha BS
Northern and Eastern Provinces