
With an aim of reviewing and updating our formation in the context of today the Formators Meet of the North India Region was organized at Bethany Convent, Pakhal, Faridabad, Haryana from 26-28 September 2023. Four Provincial Superiors namely, Sr Erasma of Northern Province, Sr Jessy Maria of Eastern Province,Sr Benedicta Aranha of Guwahati Province and Sr Lucious of Silchar Province along with four Province Coordinators for Formation and all the Formators along with their teams from ‘Come and See’ to Juniorate stages participated in it.


At the outset, Sr Mariette the General Co-ordinator for Formation on behalf of Sr Rose Celine, the Superior General accorded affectionate welcome to everyone with a shawl and a bouquet of flowers. Thereafter she invited the participants to re-visit our formation programme as per the changing context of today and pay attention to the formation of the formators too. Referring to the document entitled – Blessed are you Formators issued by Pope Francis she highlighted the eight beatitudes and gave the formators 12 guidelines.

The resource person of the day,Rev Fr Anil D Almeida SJ Professor, Vidya Jyoti, Delhi, dealt on the theme Formation in the context of today and Formation of the Formators. He said that the mission of the religious is to wake up the world, to be the witnesses of the gospel, to live differently in this world and to see the reality from the periphery. He warned us of the danger of diluting the spirit of the Master while making disciples JESUS.

Reflections shared by Sr Surekha BS on ‘Formation with reference to Vita Consecrata and other documents of the Church’ and by Sr Ruth Kaisa BS on ‘Formation as per our Constitutions, Directory and General Chapter Decrees (XI to XVII)’ reminded us of our responsibility to make a paradigm shift in our formation programme while adhering to our RATIO. Listening to the voices of our formees at various levels was very challenging and opened us towards a broader horizon.

Having spent three days together in praying, discussing and listening to one another, the participants worked upon the priorities of formation at different levels and proposed means to address them. The enthusiastic formators along with the Provincial Superiors under the reflective guidance of Sr Mariette came up with a practical action plan for the Bethany way of forming band of disciples for JESUS. At the end, the participants focussed on preparing a ‘Manual for Bethany Formators’ as per the mandate of the XVII General Chapter.

Grateful thanks are to Sr Rose Celine our Superior General and Sr Mariette the General Coordinator for Formation for this beautiful opportunity to realign our formation programme for the present context. The warm presence, vibrant and energetic leadership of Sr Mariette enlivened us during the Formators’ Meet. Special thanks to Sr Erasma the Provincial Superior, Sr Savitha Flavia the Superior and all the sisters of the community for their special care and kind attention to all details.

News By: Sr Judith Rinliani BS and Sr Ruth BS
Guwahati Province


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