
Mr. Charles Simon Assey

With great pain and profound grief I regret to inform you that the beloved friend, benefactor, supporter and well-wisher of Bethany sisters in Vikuge, Tanzania is no more. He left for his heavenly abode on the 11th June 2021, at 20:30 hours. In him we have lost an amazing personality.




Our sisters in Tanzania found comfort and consolation in him. He was ever ready to reach out to us in our need.

Mr Charles Simon Assey was a donor of the land at Vikuge, Dar- Es Salaam, Tanzania of the Society of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Tanzania. His deep love and affection for us was so great that he voluntarily donated 7.5 acres of land where our novitiate is situated.

May God grant him eternal bliss, comfort and consolation to his wife Mrs. Doreen Raum Assey and his children, to his brothers and sisters, relative and friends.

Rest in Peace Mr Charles Simon Assey.

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News by: Rev. Sr Rose Celine BS,Superior General,Bethany Generalate,Mangalore.



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