

Bethany Mangalore 11 may 2019: The Silver jubilee celebration of 18 Bethany sisters who are serving in different parts of India and Mauritania, (West Africa) was held at Bethany Mother House Chapel on May 11th 2019 at 9.00am.  The thanksgiving Eucharist was solemnized by Most Rev DrPeter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore and was concelebrated by 10priests –relatives and friends of the Jubilarians.

The Congregation present there congratulatedthe silver sisters for theirlong odyssey of consecrated life which they hadcourageously traversed thus far, following their beloved spouse Jesus to whom they were betrothed in their youthful years! They celebrated today, God’s faithfulness unto them and their faith response to God!The entire Bethany family along with their near and dear ones, joinedthemastheybrought their thanksgiving to the Altar of the Lord, offering their very selves ‘as a living sacrifice,holy and pleasing to God.’

Each of the Silver jubilarian was then felicitated by Sr Lillis, the Assistant Superior General who profusely thanked the 18 silver sisters for their fervent life and dedicated mission after the example of Jesus. The year long program of the silver jubilarians was coordinated by Sr ShanthiPriya BS the general councilor.

Sr Shanthi Priya BS
General Councillor

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