

Bethany Mangalore: 31st March 2019 was a joyous and memorable day in Bethany Mother house. A beautiful statue of the Annunciation and a painted portrait of the Little Flower were kept ready for unveiling and blessing

The Sisters of Mother House, Generelate community, prayer ministry sisters, first year Junior Sisters and candidates from Bethany convent Nanthoor gathered in the front of the yard of the convent to the striking of the time 10.30a.m. Rev. Fr Melwin Lobo SJ from St Aloysius College arrived for the blessing. After a brief introduction, a hymn to the Holy Spirit and Bethany Anthem were sung.

Rev. Sr Rose Celine the Superior General unveiled the Annunciation Statue. It was followed by a melodious song by the First year Junior Sisters on Mary’s ‘yes’ that inspired all the gathered audience. It was followed by the unveiling of the painting of the portrait of the Little Flower by Sr Lillis the Postulator. The picture of St Therese was found among the Founder’s collections.

The Founder had got this picture painted on the ceiling of the Bethany Chapel which was found for quite many years. This picture speaks of the missionary zeal of the Little Flower that our holy Founder was inspired and influenced and gave her to the Sisters for their imitation. It was followed by the singing of the hymn to the little flower from page no-three of the Sing and Pray. This hymn was composed by late Sister Floscula BS.

Rev. Fr Melwin SJ led the prayers for the blessing and then blessed the statue and the portrait. The Main gate t the Mother House, Founder’s artifact and the watch man’s room were blessed. Thereafter Fr blessed the remodeled computer office and guest rooms in the Pushpalaya ground Floor.
Sr Mariette handed over a sapling to Sr Medela to mark the day reminding the Founder’s desire to sustain green environment in the Convents. Sr Mariette appreciated Sr Medela for her contribution greenery the earth.

Mr Santhosh Lasrado contractor was honoured and appreciated by Sr Leena Pereira for his excellent workmanship. Rev Sr Rose Celine in her speech appreciated the Sisters for their roles well played. She reminded the audience on the purpose of the displays in the spirituality park calling the members to internalize the values and the spirit presented therein.

Sr Cleopha the administrator proposed vote of thanks to one and all. Sr Hilarita compered the programme. It came to a close with a hymn “How can I praise…” The sisters dispersed after group wise photos to remain alive in their memories. Long live Bethany and may the Founder be raised to Sainthood before long.

Srs Tresa Lydia & Magdaline Nirmala
Bethany Mother House

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