



Sr Mirabelle

Sacred Heart Convent, Ludhiana

Sr Mirabelle was honoured with the “Lifetime Achievement Award” by the Punjab Government on Teachers’ Day, 5 September, by the Punjab Government for her contribution in the field of education. She has been a member of Sacred Heart Convent, Ludhiana since 1965, the year Sacred Heart Convent and School were started.  The following is the write up appeared on the front page of ‘Tribune' the leading News paper of Punjab:

Still wearing teacher’s mantle at 98
Sister Mirabelle gets Punjab ‘Life time Achievement Award’

Sitting in her room perched in her arm chair she prays or reads during the major part of the day. Educating children is her mission, a lifelong prayer. A prayer which is answered each time she sees her students do well in life. And at age 98, she continues on the noble path with the zeal and passion she started many years ago. When? Even she doesn’t remember.

Age has restricted her mobility, yet, she arrives for the interview without her walking stick.  “I have been reading The Tribune for more than five decades,” she smiles. “I belong to Mangalore. I came to Ludhiana in 1965. Now, this is my home,” she says.

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