Sr M Ashrita BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Pastoral ministry

Pastoral ministry in the Old age home
It was also the desire of the congregation to have a community in the native land of St. Therese of Lisieux, our second patroness. Through Mgr Karel Kasteel,( the mediator also for our mission in Mauritania) Sr Jyoti our former Superior General came in contact with the Bishop of Pontoise Diocese, Msgr Jean-Yves Riocreux. This desire was already put forward to him when Mgr Riocreux was the Rector of the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. When he became Bishop the process was speeded. In the year 2003, Sr Jyoti, our former Superior General and Sr Blecilla, the then Delegation Superior visited him at the Bishop’s house. In the year 2006, Sr Irene, the then Delegation Superior and Sr Latha, one of her councillors, came to meet the Bishop along with Fr Balthazar who was then the superior of the Mission étrangères de Paris. The bishop welcomed them heartily and suggested the place where our sisters could have their community to render the pastoral service. The second visit was by our Superior General, Sr Jyoti and her General Councillor, Sr Assumpta. Sr Irene and Fr Balthazar accompanied them. In 2007, Sr Lillis and Sr Irene paid another visit. In all their meetings they discussed about the mission of our sisters, place and other legal formalities like contract, remuneration, security, residence, facilities etc. During their visits they were introduced to the Episcopal Vicar Rev Fr Nicolas Guillot who was a real guardian angel to our sisters in the beginning, the Vicar General, Rev Fr Daniel Ducasse and the Parish Priest Rev Fr Yves Jacquesson.
On Sunday the 9th of September 2007, Sr Molly Serrao and Ignatia D’souza arrived from Nouakchott, Mauritania and landed in Pairs in the morning. Sr Latha and Fr Balthazar welcomed them at the airport and brought them to the residence at Sarcelles. The apartment was cleaned and only a room was kept ready as the apartment needed repairs. The sisters had a hall and a kitchen at their disposal for more than a month. Just after their arrival it was time to go to church for Sunday mass. They were given a warm welcome in the parish church by the parish priest Yves Jacquesson and Fr Nicolas, the Episcopal Vicar. The people from Sarcelles were curious to know whether the new Indian sisters were speaking French. Before ending the Mass Sr. Ignatia spoke a few words to express their joy to be with them. After the Mass, the parish priest invited the religious of the parish namely Little sisters of the Workers (Petite soeurs de l’ouvriers) and the other religious for meal. It was meant to initiate the newly arrived sisters to the context of Sarcelles. That day the sisters were taken to Paris where Father Balthazar was kind to loge them with the visiting sisters in mission etrangères of Paris. In the initial stage Fr Balthazar guided the sisters and gave all the possible help to make their stay fruitful.
Within four days the parish priest took them around to the cathedral, to the school, to the church, market etc. By 17th of September Sr Ignatia already started working in St Theresa’s High School as an educator. This was about 6 kms from the house, a private Christian school where nearly 97% students were French. This was a part time job. Sr. Molly Anna helped the pastoral coordinator, Sr. Genevieve. She was chosen a full time pastoral animator and Sr Ignatia part time pastoral animator apart from part time in the school. As the days went by, the Parish priest, Fr Yves Jaquesson saw to the complete repair of the apartment financed by the diocese. Later on 30th October the third member Sr Fabiola joined them.
The Bethany community at Sarcelles was canonically erected on 1st November on the feast of All Saints ’ Day by the Vicar Episcopal Fr Nicolas Guillot. He installed the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel and blessed the house. Sr Molly Anna was installed as the new superior with Sr Ignatia and Sr Fabiola as members of the newly erected community.
Year of establishment: 1.11.2007