
Each of us is sent-forth into this world for a particular purpose. Mission is to live with that awareness that I am on this earth to do God’s work, and to commit myself to it with a willing heart.

Pope Francis in Rejoice says ‘look deep in your heart, look into your own depths and ask yourself – Am I restless for God, to announce Him, to make Him known and be compelled to “go out" to others’? For the Bethany sisters- Pastoral ministry is to be Partners in the mission of Jesus. The mission of preaching the Gospel to all creation, entrusted directly by the Lord to his disciples, has continued in the Church throughout history. The social and spiritual crisis, so evident in today’s world, is becoming a pastoral challenge in the Church’s evangelizing mission.


Teaching Catechism


Faith Formation



Bethany Lay Association

Disrtibution of Communion


The Apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis – Evangelii Gaudium - “To all whom I send you, you shall go” (Jer.1:7). In our day Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples” echoes in the changing scenario and ever new challenges to the church’s mission of evangelization and all of us are called to take part in this  new missionary vocation of “going forth” (EG 20). “Mission is the life - breath of every consecrated life” (St. Pope Jn Paul II).

The Servant of God R F C Mascarenhas, the Founder of Bethany, was obsessed with this ‘project of God’ for himself, for Bethany and for God’s people. He dialogued with God about the contemporary challenges that confronted him. His faith led him to question the way the society was functioning. Those who lived during the time of the Founder were also gripped by his passion for mission, to which they were deeply and happily committed. Bethany desires to rekindle the pastoral zeal; reenergize the apostolic drive and recapture the pastoral vision of the Founder in today’s world. It wants to keep that fire burning by going forth to offer everyone the life of Jesus Christ. It becomes the driving force and spirit filled energy to make Bethany alive and vibrant in different corners of the world despite challenges, discomforts, constraints and risks. Having imbibed Founder’s pastoral vision and missionary spirit Bethany sisters are involved in the pastoral ministry with greater zeal and passion. They deeply feel challenged to go as ‘sent forth’ in response to the call of the XVI General Chapter.


Little way Association


Praying Ministry



Blessing the People

Marian Sodality


Bethany Lay Association

To ensure lay collaboration in its mission, furthering the charism of the Servant of God Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, the XIV General Chapter of The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany convened in May 2004 decided to start Bethany Lay Association to collaborate with the lay partners who are willing to partake of this ministry of preaching the 'good news' to the ends of the earth.  There is the urgency of the evangelical call to go forth, responding to the need of the times to have more labourers to go out into vineyard of the Lord. Vatican II document of the Church, 'The light of the Nations' (Lumen Gentium) invites the laity to be the leaven in the world through the fulfilment of their own duties, and the witness of life and by their manifestation of Christ to others through faith hope and charity. The Decree of Vatican II on the apostolate of the Lay people (Apostolicam Actuositatem) speaks of lay collaboration and pastoral ministry as complementary to each other (AA6).

In the spirit of the teachings of Vatican II and the vision of the XIV General Chapter 2004, Bethany Lay Association was launched on 16.07.2007 by Sr M Jyoti BS, the then Superior General. A manual prepared for the Bethany Lay Associates as a guide by Sr M Assumpta BS, the then General Coordinator for Pastoral Apostolate, provided the vision, objectives and other directives to be followed by the Associates who are initiated after a period of one year of enrolment. Commitment is made by them at the end of the 2nd year and renewed year after year on July 29th feast of St Martha, the BLA patroness and Bethany Saint, a lay collaborator of Jesus in His ministry.

Today there are 90 units of Bethany Lay Association in India and abroad as follows:
Mangalore Province       : 15
Bangalore Province       : 15
Western Province          : 14
Southern Province         : 10
Northern Province         :  09
Eastern Province           :   9
North Eastern Province: 16
Central Administration: 2

Every monthly animation session becomes for every Bethany Lay Associate, a time of rejuvenating one's spirits and deepening of one's faith, so that in turn they become good news to bring good news by being the 'salt to the earth' and 'light to the world'. They partake of the charism of Bethany Congregation by participating in pastoral care of families, healing ministry, visits to the sick and home bound, prison ministry, counselling, animation of youth and children and faith formation activities. They endeavour to lead good Christian life, so as to be spirit filled to usher in the Kingdom God in this broken world.

Vision: To promote the glory of God by the holiness of the members through prayer and service.


1.    To grow in Trinitarian life by sharing the Charisma and Spirituality of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany through prayer and service
2.    To promote the values of Christ in one’s own personal life, in the family and in the society.
3.    To bring the compassionate love of Jesus to all especially the poor and the needy by supporting and participating in the mission of the Congregation.

Sr Shanthi Priya BS
General Coordinator, Pastoral Apostolate
Bethany Generalate
Lower Bendur, P.B.No.593
Mangalore 575002, D.K. India
Contact No – 0824/2218923
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